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Join the RIASLA ExComm!


Help strengthen our profession! Nominate a friend, colleague, or yourself today. The strength of RIASLA comes from the dedicated efforts of our member volunteers. Join the team and make a difference.


Five Executive Committee positions are up for election this year, including two new positions: President-Elect, Member-at-Large (2), Sponsorship Chair, and Membership Chair. These positions will take office at the end of the ASLA Annual Meeting held in October 2018.

All positions are voting members of the RIASLA Executive Committee (“ExComm”) – the President-Elect position requiring a three year commitment (including one year as President-Elect, one year as President, one year as Immediate Past President), and the other positions serving one year.

All positions require attendance at monthly RIASLA ExComm meetings and include the duties outlined in detail below. The position of President-Elect requires travel to two annual meetings: Spring Chapter Presidents Council Meeting (typically held in Washington, DC) and Fall Chapter Presidents Council Meeting held just prior to, and at the location of, the ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo. Certain expenses associated with these trips (travel, accommodations, some meals) are reimbursed in part by ASLA and in part by the chapter. Participation in the annual ASLA Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill, as part of the Spring meeting, is also required.


RIASLA will accept Nominations (including self-nominations) for these positions until September 20, 2019. Candidate’s name, phone number, and preferred email should be emailed to by Friday, September 20, 2019.

In the nomination email, please include the position nominated for as well as the name and phone number of the nominee. Please also cc the nomination email to the person you are nominating. If you want to include a short paragraph about the nominee, you may, but it is not necessary.

A slate of up to two nominations per position will be presented to the RIASLA Executive Committee for approval, after which the slate will be presented to RIASLA Full and Associate Members for voting if there is more than one candidate for a position. If the vote of the membership results in a tie between two or more candidates, the election will be decided by a vote of the ExComm.


President-Elect/President/Immediate Past President

Typically, the President-Elect/President/Immediate Past President shall be a Full ASLA Member elected for a commitment of three (3) years: one as President Elect, one as President, and one as Past President.

As President-Elect, s/he is a voting member of the Executive Committee and involved in most leadership/chapter management decisions. The President-Elect also acts in the place of the President when asked or appointed by the Executive Committee. S/he prepares a slate of committee chairs and members to take effect when s/he becomes President. Preference is given to the current chairs.

As President, s/he presides over all chapter and Executive Committee meetings, represents the Chapter with other organizations, ASLA at the Chapter President Council Meetings, sets the chapter agenda with the consent of the Executive Committee, and is the primary point of contact for all ExComm members.

As Immediate Past President, s/he supports the new President in his/her duties, provides counsel, advice, and direction as needed. S/he assumes the role of President when asked by the President or the Executive Committee and attends the ASLA Spring and Fall Meetings on behalf of the Chapter with other chapter leaders.

The President-Elect/President/Immediate Past President must be a Full RIASLA member.


The Members-at-Large shall be a Full or Associate ASLA Member elected for a term of one (1) year.

The Members-at-Large perform such duties as are customary for the position of at-large member or as may be assigned or delegated by the Executive Committee of the Chapter.

Sponsorship Chair

The Sponsorship Chair shall be a Full or Associate ASLA Member elected for a term of one (1) year.

The Sponsorship Chair will be responsible for promoting events (i.e. Expos, awards dinners, lunch and learns, newsletter advertising) and/or sponsorship opportunities to raise non-dues revenue to support chapter programming. They will develop and maintain a contact list of prospective sponsors (such as product manufacturer or professional service representatives) to solicit for financial, material, and/or organizational support to the Chapter.

The Sponsorship Chair will also develop sponsorship levels and recognition benefits, and organize/direct the annual solicitation program and ensures that sponsors receive recognition benefits to which they are entitled.

Membership Chair

The Membership Chair shall be a Full or Associate ASLA Member elected for a term of one (1) year.

The Membership Chair will welcome new members, welcome back returning members, and follow up with lapsed members. They will maintain prospect lists, used to invite non-members to Chapter functions and events for recruiting purposes.

They will also plan back to school events and graduating student events to recruit student members and convert graduating students to Associates, and ensure that the students understand that membership dues must be paid to national for them to be official members of the Society.

Additionally, they will grow the chapter by participating in quarterly Membership Chair conference call, which will be used as a forum to share ideas and successes in increasing chapter membership.


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