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Coastal Cleanup April!


Updated: Apr 6, 2021

In celebration of Earth Day, Landscape Architecture Month & the Ocean we all love, Rhode Island ASLA and Clean Ocean Access are partnering up to present Coastal Cleanup April! On Saturday the 10th, 17th, and 24th we will meet to clean a portion of the coast and help eliminate marine debris. At the end of the month, we will have a total weight for garbage removed! This is a great opportunity to show our appreciation for the local environment and to catch other ASLA members in a safe socially distant environment. We will provide the gloves and bags and take care of the trash afterward. All you need to do is register, bring a copy of your form, and show up ready to clean!

The entire event for each day will be outside from 12:00 – 2:00 and everyone participating is required to practice social distancing, including wearing a mask. Each person participating must preregister for the event, sign the waiver and bring it with them on their phone. To sign up you can click on the links below or find the events on our calendar.

We Look Forward to seeing you there!



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