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Become a Member

Founded in 1899, the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) is the association that represents the landscape architecture profession in the United States. ASLA has grown from 11 original members to more than 15,000 members, 80 corporate members, and 48 chapters to date. The Society’s mission is to lead, educate, and participate in the careful stewardship, wise planning, and artful design of our cultural and natural environments. The American Society of Landscape Architects seeks to improve public understanding of the profession and to advance the practice of landscape architecture through education, communication, publications, online services, professional interaction and development.


You can download the ASLA Membership Application (PDF) to find out more information membership levels, qualifications, and dues. If you are unable to download the application, contact ASLA Member Services toll free: 888.999.ASLA.

10 Great Reasons to Join ASLA


Increase awareness of the profession

ASLA has launched extensive public relations and targeted marketing efforts which will introduce prospective and current commercial, residential, and government consumers to our full palette of skills and expertise, and explain how these talents are best employed.


Networking opportunities

ASLA members are afforded numerous opportunities to meet and network with peers from various areas of expertise within the profession at the local, state and national level. For example, members can join one or more of ASLA’s 15 “Professional Interest Groups,” comprised of individuals from multiple disciplines who come together around a specific topic of interest, including historic preservation, parks and recreation, and campus planning.


Landscape Architecture Magazine

If you don’t already read it, you should. A subscription is included in your annual dues. Landscape Architecture is the definitive design magazine of the industry. With rich illustrations and photographs, and compelling writing, this magazine is a must-read for tens of thousands each month who must stay on the cutting edge of design and technology.


Informational tools

ASLA offers its members a comprehensive variety of publications and digital resources including our comprehensive Product Profiles and Directory, Landscape Architecture News Digest, salary and practice surveys, and a “members only” section on ASLA’s website. In addition, ASLA members enjoy access to an unparalleled technical library and a paid research librarian to help you obtain information you need to conduct your business.


Discounted products & services

ASLA members receive substantial members-only discounts on purchases from ASLA’s widely respected bookstore, affinity programs, and continuing education registration.


Protect the environment

At the national and local level, ASLA and its members are at the forefront of efforts to increase respect for the land and our natural environment, particularly on issues of prudent land use and planning, sustainable development, waste and water management, recreation, and land reclamation. Through efforts by ASLA, landscape architects are now recognized as experts and their knowledge and skills are often called upon by other organizations with common goals and ideals.


Continuing education

ASLA members enjoy access to an ever-widening array of continuing education programs, each designed to keep the busy professional abreast of the latest developments in horticulture, land use, CAD, transportation, and other areas of importance. Plus, our annual meeting is the industry’s leading education program, with entire tracks and specific sessions focusing on areas of need--including practice management, marketing, and liability.


Protect and enhance the integrity

of the profession

Across the country, ASLA and its members are at the forefront of successful efforts to maintain and improve professional state licensing laws. Because of the diligent efforts of ASLA and its members, 46 states now have licensing laws. In addition, the Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board, managed under ASLA auspices, ensures the quality of degree-granting programs and provides the profession with an essential mantle of credibility. Finally, ASLA successfully lobbied to create an appropriate professional sector for our members in the all-important Federal Industrial Classification System. This distinct classification for landscape architects will open up opportunities for you to compete for a larger pie of federal, state, and municipal contracts and programs.


ASLA membership pays for itself

ASLA membership is a proven value. The benefits above more than offset the cost of your dues-in any number of ways, you’ll recoup your modest membership fees in a matter of weeks, if not days. Just ask any one of your nearly 13,000 peers who is a member.


100 years of integrity, respect, and proven value behind your name

ASLA, through licensing, accreditation, marketing, and public relations efforts, is successfully establishing ASLA as the premier “brand” which, when seen behind your name, identifies you as a professional of the highest standard.



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